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Looking up a Batch

You may find batches by doing the following:

  • Lookup Batches by navigating to “Accounting” > “Batches” > “Lookup Batches”
  • Use the look up screen to search for open batches (you can locate any batches that the mask allows users in your group to access)
  • Search Criteria
    • Batch ID (i.e. ACH-20240506)
    • Batch # (i.e. 12894)
    • User (who created the batch)
    • Type (batch type, i.e. Cash Equivalent, ACH Real-time, Credit Card)
    • Date Range
    • Status (Status of the batch, i.e. Open, Closed, Settled, Posted)
    • Suppress Empty and Posted Batches
      • Does not include batches with no activity
      • If you are searching for a batch at the beginning of a day and there are no transactions in the batch you may need to select the No radio button to find empty batches.
  • Click Get Batches
  • If you do not find the batch you need, you may need to Create New Batch; but be sure you name your batch with an ID that your mask will allow you access