Home / Featured Training / Best Practices for Utilizing and Organizing Your Wiki Space

Best Practices for Utilizing and Organizing Your Wiki Space

  • Collapse Sidebar
    While working in Wiki, you will notice that the side page tree menu has a collapsible sidebar. Collapse the page tree when you want more working space in your main pane. Expand the sidebar when you are searching, so you can see full branches in the page tree.
  • Sample of a typical project space menu:
    • Project Management & Administration
      • Licensing & Contracts
      • Project Schedule
      • Weekly (team) Meetings
    • SOW Sessions
      • Overview Session
      • Central Customer (CEN) and Self-Service Applications (SSA)
      • Accounting
      • Data Conversion, Electronic Communications
      • Integrations
      • Customizations
      • Scope Summary & Review
    • Configuration Documentation
      • Central Customer Management Form
      • Accounting Form
      • E-Communications Form
      • Data Conversion
      • Self Service Application (SSA) Form
    • Configuration Workshops
      • Action Items
      • System Overview & Administration Workshop
      • Central Customer Management Workshop
      • Data Conversion Workshop I
      • Accounting Management Workshop
      • Electronic Communications Management Workshop
      • Self Service Application & User Interface Workshop
      • Stored Documents and Template Manager Workshop
      • Attributes Workshop
    • Asset Training
    • End User Training
      • Central Customer End User Training Including Merge/Purge
      • Accounting/CertelliPay End User Training
      • E-Communications End User Training
      • Self-Service Application (SSA) End User Training
      • APEX Interactive Reports End User Training
    • Client Specific Documentation (Maintained by your staff)
      • Policies and Procedures
      • Test Plans & Strategy