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Register Multiple People for a Single Event

  • Go to “Meetings” > “Attendee Registrations” > “Register Multiple People for a Single Event”
  • Complete the following details at the top of the page:
    • Registration Date
    • Payment Type for this registrationCurrency
    • The Batch the payment will be put into
  • Select the Event ID from the list of available events on the page.
  • Select the Primary Item and any Additional Items that should be added to this event registration. Note: When using this utility, all customers must have the same Primary and Secondary items added to their registration.
  • On the Customer Event Registration page, enter in the customer ID of the first record in which you wish to register and complete their payment information.
  • Click Add this Registrant to add them to the list.
  • Repeat steps 6 & 7 for all people you wish to register at this time, then click Continue.
  • Review the list and click Finish Registrations.