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Back-Office Username & Password Specification

The username/password specifications below are for end users of AssocationAnywhere/Certelligence, (backoffice staff).

For backoffice USERNAME administration, the following hard-coded rules are:

  • Characters must be single byte characters
  • The first character CANNOT be numeric
  • The following characters are NOT allowed &~`!#$%^*()-+={}[]:;”?/><,” (this includes using a space)
  • Username can be up to 200 characters

For backoffice PASSWORD administration, the following hard-coded rules are:

  • Characters must be single byte characters
  • The first character CANNOT be numeric
  • The following characters are NOT allowed &%$,| (this includes using a space)
  • Passwords can be up to 30 characters

The areas where these specifications are applied are in…

  • When a end user (staff person) goes to change their OWN password:
    Home | Change My Password
  • When a staff administrator goes to CREATE or UPDATE an existing end user’s (staff person) username/password:
    Admin | System | Manage Users | User Accounts