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Donor Retention Rate report

The Donor Retention Rate report can be found by going to Reporting | Fundraising | Donor Retention Rate (/f?p=FND:9110:4938358938742:::9110:::)

Inter/Intra column:

  • INTERFUND means they were retained for any available fund for the dates specified.
  • INTRAFUND means they were retained for the same fund for the dates specified.

Retained column:

  • Retained Y/N is if a given donor from period 1 date range is found in period 2 date range. Note, the period 1 and period 2 date range filters can be found by clicking the circular orange menu in the upper right hand part of the page.

Repeat Donors column:

  • For repeat donors it counts the number of retained = ‘Y’ by inter and intra fund.

Unique Donors column:

  • Displays a count by inter or intra fund.

The Unique Donors, Repeat Donors, and Retention Rate are repeated for each row. They aren’t related to the customer, but rather to the value of Inter/Intra.