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ASSET Priority Levels and Ticket Statuses ASSET

Below are the Priority Levels and Ticket Status definitions.

Priority Levels 

  • – This priority is used if the client is making a suggestion about a future enhancement to the product or just to document a future task.  
    • Example- misaligned text or perhaps a misspelled word on the GUI. 
  • – This priority is used with issues that do not impact the performance of the database and are not due to be completed in a tight time frame. A work around is usually present.  
    • Example- minor loss of function but a workaround is in place. 
  • – This priority is used for requests for time sensitive work orders, major functional requests, adding/deleting users, assistance with reports. This basically is important but it is not affecting the day-to-day work.  
    • Example- loss of website function. 
  • – This priority is used when the issue has a critical impact on the database, but does not affect the performance or access to the database. These issues can result in loss of data if not addressed and/or generally relate to a bug or hard project deadline.  
    • Example- crashes, loss of data, memory leaks. 
  • – This priority is used only when the issue directly impacts the performance of the database and absolutely no work can be performed using the internal database and/or the self-service side of the database. This is a total “show-stopper”. Blocker can also apply to any issue that can result in a loss of revenue. 
  • Example- production cannot run.

Main Ticket Statuses: And What to Do 

  • Open > After ticket is created, should be unassigned and left in Open 
  • UAC Approval Needed > Review the User Acceptance Criteria (UAC) to ensure that it matches the desired outcome of the ticket. 
    • Correct > UAC Approved – Estimate Requested, assign back to BA refiner 
    • Incorrect > Adjust UAC – Refining in Progress, comment with needed updates to the UAC and assign back to BA refiner 
  • Client Input Needed > Provide requested input in a comment and assign back to BA 
    • Set to > Input Provided – ACGI Input Needed 
  • Client Approval Needed > Approve/not approve the estimation of the task 
    • If approved, set to > Approved – Work Approved and assign back to BA 
    • If not approved, set to > ACGI Input Needed – ACGI Input Needed, with a comment that explains why the estimation is not approved and assign back to BA 
    • If new information is added, set to > New Information Added – Refining in Progress and assign back to BA 
  • Client Testing Needed > As soon as possible, test the scenarios and confirm UAC is met 
    • Successful testing > Successful Test (Promote) – Promote to Production, comment and assign back to BA 
    • Successful testing, but not ready for promotion > Successful Test (HOLD) – Client Input Needed, keep assigned to you 
    • Once ready for promotion > Promotion Requested, comment and assign back to BA 
    • Clarification or assistance needed > ACGI Input Needed, comment and assign back to BA 
    • Unsuccessful testing > Test Failed, comment and assign back to BA, with testing scenarios used (Customer IDs, URLs, screenshots, screencasts, etc.) 
    • If 3rd party input is needed (e.g. LMS, AMC, other vendor)> 3rd Party Input Needed, keep assigned to you 
  • Promoted > As soon as possible, test the scenarios in production and confirm UAC is met 
    • Success > Close ticket 
    • Failure > Promotion Failed, comment and assign back to BA, with testing scenarios used (Customer IDs, URLs, screenshots, screencasts, etc.)