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Customer Activity: Transaction Point Definition

This page will instruct you on how to map the categories and levels created in Step 1 to collect the activity data.

“This feature is available for admin users only. Please contact your admin should you need further assistance.”

The following steps provide details for the point and level setup. This step is required to display and use the transaction activity.

  • Access the back-office menu at “Admin” > “Customers” > “Transactions” > “Transaction Point Definition”.
  • From the grid Click Add Record.
  • From the Category drop down, select the required Category.
  • Select a required Level 1 to associate with the Category.
    • You can reuse Level 1 or Level 2 across categories.
  • Select optional Level 2 through Level 5’s as needed for your configuration
  • Add a number to the required Credit Points field. If you are not actually calculating points or credits, simply enter 1.
    • The credit points are considered “Base Points” for that entry. This can be used as a multiplier in a formula for more complicated point calculations. See the documentation on point and formula calculation or contact your ACGI representative for more information.
  • Enter the Credit Unit you are using. This field is optional.
  • Enter the Max Points for that entry. This will be factored into the prerequisite that uses max points. This field is optional.
    • Real World Example:
      • Maximum points earned is useful when a formula calculation is being used for an item that has a cap. For example: A customer earns a point per hour attending a workshop and the customer enters they attended a workshop for 10 hours, but the max they can earn for the workshop is 6. The formula would calculate the points to be 10 points, but the Max Points on the level configuration would limit it to 6 total points.
  • Select Yes/No for the required “Disabled?” field.
    1. While you can delete transaction activities configured, if they have been used, the best practice is to disable them if they are no longer valid entries.
  • Enter the Formula Serno if using formulas.
    1. Contact ACGI to set up formulas, if desired.