Go to “Home”> “Admin”> “Customers” > “Cyber” > “Cyber Types”
Cyber types are used to determine the types of cyber information collected about customers. They are most commonly used for email addresses, but can also be configured to accommodate websites, social media accounts and other types of online information.
- When each cyber type is defined, it has 3 parts:
- Cyber Type – this is the code value that defines this cyber type, such as EMAIL, WEBSITE, or LINKEDIN.
- Cyber Type Description – this is the human readable text description of the code above, such as “Personal Email”, “Work Email”, “Website”, or “LinkedIn”
- Cyber Behavior – this governs how AA treats links of this type.
- MAILTO – used for email addresses. This opens the link in your default local email client.
- ECMMAIL – used for email addresses. This opens the link in the E-Contact Management module of AA.
- HREF – used for websites. This opens the link in your browser window.
- HREFNEW – used for websites. This opens the link in a new browser window.
Configuration Warning
The “Cyber Behavior” code for email addresses MUST be MAILTO or ECMMAIL, or these particular Cyber Types may not function properly for sending emails from AA>=.