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E-Commerce Overview

The E-commerce/Order Entry system allows you to take and fulfill orders for products such as books, videos, and other merchandise. The E-commerce system also does basic inventory management, and calculations of pricing for shipping/handling fees and sales tax.

These help topics present a step-by-step guide to setting up the e-commerce/order entry system within AA, with related topics of inventory management and shipping management. This information is provided in the order in which it should be configured, not necessarily in the order in which the end process will occur.

The E-commerce storefront can be configured in a variety of ways but fits within a specific framework as follows.

  • In the upper left, there will be a category tree that expands and collapses as you navigate the site.  Breadcrumb links will show across the top as you move down or up the tree.
  • Across the top will be a category search and a keyword search bar
  • Within the top page or any category page, the system will display the subcategories first, then the specific products list 2nd
  • You can wrap the entire site within an HTML template using stored docs.
  • Each category and each product TYPE can have its own display template.