ACGI Software Client Resource Site Fri, 05 Jul 2024 17:44:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 214555164 Identify the HTML element(s) producing a specific UI component Fri, 05 Jul 2024 17:44:02 +0000 The example used in these instructions is from the SSA Exhibitor Portal. To identify the HTML element(s) producing the “Name: ... Go Learn

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The example used in these instructions is from the SSA Exhibitor Portal.

To identify the HTML element(s) producing the “Name: Elizabeth Cermak” output, a variety of tools can be used depending on the browser. This guide will cover 3 browsers, IE9, Firefox, and Chrome.

Chrome or Firefox

Right-click on the UI component and choose the “Inspect Element” option. The menu will look slightly different in Firefox, but the same option would be chosen.

A section of the browser window will be replaced by an HTML tree that represents the page and it will be focused on the element that was right-clicked on (looks slightly different in Firefox).

Hover over different lines of the HTML and the tool will highlight (in the normal view of the page) exactly which part of the page that HTML produces. In Firefox, the lines will need to be clicked on and the UI components will be outlined.

In this example the “label” element is selected. Hover over that HTML element within the developer tool (at the bottom) to see what it highlights above.

See that that line of HTML only encompasses the label “Name:”. To find the HTML element that contains the label and the name (if one exists) begin by hovering (or clicking in Firefox) on ancestor elements (parents, grandparents, etc…). Only the lines with arrows pointing down (or down and to the right in Firefox) at this point are ancestor elements. Those arrows indicate that the tool expanded them by default because they were ancestor elements. Manually expanding or collapsing elements by clicking the arrows to collapse and/or expand the items allows the user to see whether the element is within that other element or not.

Start by hovering over (or clicking in Firefox) the direct parent element, which in this case is an “li” (list item). In this case, we immediately find the element we want. It encompasses all the UI needed without encompassing any other unwanted components. There is an ID on that HTML element, which is “aahorizontalexpname”, as well as two classes (space-delimited). Use the ID or class(es) for CSS or JavaScript purposes. The ID should only be used once on that page, while classes may be used elsewhere on the page. Note: not all HTML elements will have IDs or classes on them.

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Deferred Income Recognition Fri, 05 Jul 2024 17:34:58 +0000 Click submit or batch to run the program. Note – if the process will take some time to complete, it ... Go Learn

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  • Accounting (Tab) –> Deferred Income Recognition (Ribbon) –> Deferred Income Recognition (Action)
  • Enter the Accounting date (usually the last day of the month) and the deferral method. Note – deferral method is defined under the setup accounting information link for the subgroup; for membership, it is usually set to monthly.
  • Click submit or batch to run the program.

    Note – if the process will take some time to complete, it is recommended the batch option be used. The program will create a cash receipt batch that moves money from the deferred accounts to the actual accounts.

    Computation of Recognized Amount

    The deferred income recognition process will recognize the portion of revenue that the client is entitled to recognize, based on the amount of service that has been delivered.


    Amount Actually Recognized = Amount Entitled to Recognize – Amount Already Recognized


    Percentage To Recognize = Months Between (Start of Order vs Income Recognition Date ) / Months Between (Start of Order and End of Order )

    Amount Entitled To Recognize = Percentage to Recognize X Amount Deferred

    Amount Deferred is determined by GL split in the pricing, and may be all, or only part, of the amount of the item

    How Does Each Subsystem Set the Service Dates, to Affect the Percentage to Recognize?

    The accounting date you enter when running the deferred income recognition process will be considered the accrual recognition date.  All prorated recognition will be computed based on that date, relative to the dates of service.

    • Membership – Dates of service are the start and end dates of the membership order (i.e. join date to expire date for first year membership, order start to end date for each subsequent renewal)
    • Subscriptions – Dates of service relative to the start and end dates of the subscription period
    • Donations – Dates of service for recognition purposes are Start and End date of donation year.  Note that deferred income recognition for fundraising is rare.  Users can manually enter start and end dates, to affect the period over which donations are recognized
    • Event Registrations – Dates of service start / end are set to the End Date of the Event, unless you specify other specific dates in setup of the event on the accounting parameters screen.  Thus, the event registrations will always behave essentially as a one-time recognition on the end date of the event, regardless of the method configured.
    • Advertising – Generally the recognition dates are the dates of the issue in which the ad is inserted
    • Order Processing – For Version 5, generally requires additional configuration but sets the start date and end date of the income recognition in the shipping process after the order has shipped.  More recent versions of Association Anywhere 6.x exclude Order processing from general deferred income recognition in A/R.  Order Entry includes its own more precise income recognition subsystem based on inventory.
    • Exhibits – – Dates of service start / end are set to the End Date of the Event, unless you specify other specific dates in setup of the event on the accounting parameters screen.

    Methods Supported

    When you set up a product such as a membership subgroup, a subscription package, a fund code, a registerable event, or an advertising publication, you can also set up a deferred income method:

    Any orders for the product, from that point forward, will be tagged with the income method chosen.

    The amount to recognize will follow one of the following contours.  The various methods supported are best illustrated showing an order such as a membership or subscription that spans multiple years, although single year orders are much more common in practice.  The following illustrations are for a 3-year membership order.

    Monthly Method

    When the method you set up is MONTHLY, then the system will compute the amount entitled to recognize as the number of months elapsed in equal monthly portions over the period of service.  This is most common for membership and subscriptions.

    Onetime Recognition

    When using the ONETIME recognition method, the system will attempt to recognize the entire deferred amount of the order on the start date of the order.  This is most commonly used for order entry / ecommerce purchases, event registrations that are recognized as soon as the event is over, or for one-year memberships that are billed in advance of a calendar or fiscal year and recognized in full at the start of the fiscal year.

    Anniversary Recognition
    Most common for membership and subscription orders, and for clients where multi-year orders are common, the ANNIVERSARY recognition method will recognize a full year of the deferred amount, on the start date of the order, and on each anniversary date of the order.  It is prorated to determine how much constitutes a full year of value based on the number of months between the start and end dates of the order.

    Fiscal Year Method

    Like anniversary, the FISCAL YEAR method is most useful when there are multiple year orders, but also when the organizations fiscal year differs from the billing cycle.  The fiscal year is set up as a system parameter, and will affect where the stair steps occur in the contour of the recognition amount

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    Donor Retention Rate report Fri, 05 Jul 2024 17:23:54 +0000 The Donor Retention Rate report can be found by going to Reporting | Fundraising | Donor Retention Rate (/f?p=FND:9110:4938358938742:::9110:::) Inter/Intra ... Go Learn

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    The Donor Retention Rate report can be found by going to Reporting | Fundraising | Donor Retention Rate (/f?p=FND:9110:4938358938742:::9110:::)

    Inter/Intra column:

    • INTERFUND means they were retained for any available fund for the dates specified.
    • INTRAFUND means they were retained for the same fund for the dates specified.

    Retained column:

    • Retained Y/N is if a given donor from period 1 date range is found in period 2 date range. Note, the period 1 and period 2 date range filters can be found by clicking the circular orange menu in the upper right hand part of the page.

    Repeat Donors column:

    • For repeat donors it counts the number of retained = ‘Y’ by inter and intra fund.

    Unique Donors column:

    • Displays a count by inter or intra fund.

    The Unique Donors, Repeat Donors, and Retention Rate are repeated for each row. They aren’t related to the customer, but rather to the value of Inter/Intra.

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    Fundraising Pledge Report (Recurring Donations) Fri, 05 Jul 2024 17:17:19 +0000 At a future date (as an example: a year from now) you can see how many of those monthly increments ... Go Learn

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    At a future date (as an example: a year from now) you can see how many of those monthly increments individual customers have paid, how many are outstanding, and provides better oversight of current status of recurring donations.

    The following details have been developed to guide organization through steps necessary to execute the Fundraising Pledge Report.

    To run the Fundraising Pledge Report, a general understanding of Fundraising is expected.  A brief understanding of APEX report features and capabilities may also be helpful.  The following steps are for a basic report.

    Execute the Fundraising Pledge report

    The following details the steps necessary to execute the Fundraising Pledge Report:

    • Navigate to Reporting > Fundraising > Fundraising Pledge Report
    • Select the fund and if desired a contribution date range
    • Click Go

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    Address Verification Fri, 05 Jul 2024 17:11:10 +0000 Basic address verification functionality provided at a monthly charge per 10,000 addresses, with Advanced address verification provided for an additional ... Go Learn

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    Basic address verification functionality provided at a monthly charge per 10,000 addresses, with Advanced address verification provided for an additional monthly charge per 10,000 addresses. Advanced functionality is available only as an addition to the Basic functionality.

    Basic address verification

    • Includes
      • Verification of address.
      • Adds zip + 4.
      • Adds “county” assignment.
      • Adds latitude/longitude geocoding, to center of zip code, or accurate to approximately a few miles.

    Advanced address verification with Geocoding/DPV

    • Includes
      • Verification of address.
      • Adds zip + 4.
      • Adds “county” assignment.
      • Geocoding option assigns the latitude/longitude to the center of the zip+4, or approximately accurate to within one city block.
      • Adds DPV (delivery point validation) such that addresses which require a suite number or apartment number will verify and prompt the user.

    Tools that can determine if Address Processing is working properly

    Running AVI as a Batch Process for all Addresses

    There is a batch process under the Admin menu called Address Standardization Batch Process which can be run to check all addresses. 

    Ideally, it should be run after the initial conversion.  Authorized users need to be granted direct execute privileges to run the process.

    The process generates a results page similar to:
    Days since last standardized: 0
    Maximum records to verify: 100000

    Activity since:
    Processing began:12/16/2008 09:40PM

    Processing ended:12/17/2008 12:25AM

    82714 valid addresses processed.
    3691 invalid addresses encountered.

    You can review all invalid addresses at  Reporting | Customers | Address Reports | Invalid Address Report which includes an option to output the results to Excel.

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    Committee Documents Fri, 05 Jul 2024 17:05:03 +0000 This article describes how to upload documents to the system in order to be available to committee members.  Committee documents ... Go Learn

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    This article describes how to upload documents to the system in order to be available to committee members.  Committee documents can be uploaded either thru the back-office or the SSA, depending on the configuration.  Documents that are associated with a committee will only be available to the members of that committee and not to members of other committees.  File Type permissions can be configured.

    Uploading Committee Documents thru the Back-Office

    Perform the following steps to upload documents and associate them with specific committees:

    • Navigate to the customer record of the subgroup that the committee is associated with.
    • Select the Committee switchview.
    • On the Committee Summary tab, select Manage Files for the committee you would like to upload files for.

    Committee Manage Files

    On this page, you can perform the following functions:

    • Upload a New File – click on the image with the green plus () at the bottom of the page.
    • Edit File Details – click on the image with the pencil () in the right column of the document entry.
    • Delete File – click on the image with the red X () in the right column of the document entry.

    Upload a New File

    On this page, enter the following information:

    • Attach File – The location and file name of the committee document that you are uploading.
    • File Type – Select the type of file from the drop-down.  (See File Type Configuration)
    • Short Description – Enter a short description or title for the committee document.
    • Long Description – Enter a long description or content summary of the committee document.
    • Display Order – Enter a unique number to determine the order of the committee documents when listed.  If a Display Order is not entered, the committee documents are ordered by Upload Date.

    Edit File Details

    On this page, you can change the File Type, Short & Long Description and the Display Order information for the committee document.

    Uploading Committee Documents thru the SSA

    This requires the SSA to be configured with the Manage Committee Files self-service menu.

    Perform the following steps to upload documents and associate them with specific committees:

    • Select the Manage Committee Files menu from the SSA.
    • All committees that are active for the user will be displayed.  At the “Manage Files for” prompt, select the committee you wish to manage.
    • The Committee Manage Files will be displayed, same as in the back-office instructions above.

    Files can be accessed by committee members using page – cmtssasgpfile.choices_page

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    Substitute New Registrant Fri, 05 Jul 2024 16:51:02 +0000 When making a registration substitution, you’ll have a final payment and batch selection page to submit, depending on whether the ... Go Learn

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    When making a registration substitution, you’ll have a final payment and batch selection page to submit, depending on whether the original registration fee is $0 or the original registrant paid a fee.

    Locate the registration record for the individual who is already registered by clicking into their registration order.

    To make a substitution, click the ‘Substitute New Registrant’ button.

    Identify the customer ID # for the individual who will be substituted and insert it in the ‘With’ field. You can also search for a customer by name using the magnifying glass icon.  Click Submit with or without cancellation fee when finished.

    On the following screen, which appears only if the registration was paid for, the payment type needs to be non-credit card (CASH) to transfer the payment to the second invoice.  Otherwise, any $0 balance order will automatically go to the customer you are substituting with.  Select whatever open cash equivalent batch exists in the drop down that you’d like the transaction recorded in.


    A substitution is effectively the same as a cancellation for the original registrant in AA. This means that, after the substitution is processed, the original registrant CANNOT register for the event again via SSA. However, in the back office, a user can re-register a previously cancelled registrant.

    An event substitution might, in certain circumstances, transfer ALL event items (and corresponding costs) from the original registrant to the new registrant. Make sure that the new registrant would like to be registered for the SAME items as the original registrant.

    If a further audit trail of the transaction is required, a user can in addition to the process above, go to the invoice on the Original Registrant customer record and also the invoice on the Replacement Registrant customer record to add a comment to each of the invoices about the substitution.  Navigate to the Original Registrant’s applicable invoice and click on the link “Add Comments to This Invoice”.

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    Creating a Note Fri, 05 Jul 2024 15:29:25 +0000 There are multiple ways to create a note within the Sales Module and link the note to a customer record. ... Go Learn

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    There are multiple ways to create a note within the Sales Module and link the note to a customer record.

    +New | Note

    Main Menu | SALES MANAGEMENT | NOTES | +


    When using the Contact lookup tool to link the note to a customer record, make sure the “Restrict contacts to only those assigned to Owner” checkbox is un-checked so the lookup tool can be used to query on ALL customer records.

    Lookup customer record, and from the “Customer” switch view click on the Notes sub-tab.

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    Adding an Individual to a Committee Fri, 05 Jul 2024 15:20:28 +0000 The post Adding an Individual to a Committee appeared first on ACGI Software.

    • Open the customer record of the individual to be added to a committee
    • Select the “Committee” switch view drop down
    • On the left under the Actions Menu select “Add to a Committee
    • Enter the committee position information: 
      • Subgroup (group that owns the committee)
      • Committee group
      • Committee type
      • Position
      • Start date
      • End date
      • Address
      • Email
      • Employer
    • Click “Submit”

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    Stored Document Substitution Variables Fri, 05 Jul 2024 14:49:46 +0000 Stored document substitution variables allow users of AA to insert dynamic content into stored documents, which can be seen anywhere ... Go Learn

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    Stored document substitution variables allow users of AA to insert dynamic content into stored documents, which can be seen anywhere in SSA. This allows you to identify an SSA user by name, for example “Welcome, John Doe”, or include a single office phone number in multiple stored documents while only maintaining that number in one system parameter.

    How It Is Configured

    Find or Create a Substitution Variable

    Navigate to “Admin” > “System” > “Templates, Stylesheets, and Stored Documents” > “Stored HTML Doc Substitution Variables”

    Select “Add Record” to create a new substitution variable or speak with the project team to have one defined.

    The values that can be filtered on within the where clause are called bind variables and are always prefixed by a colon. See below for bind variable availability.

    Additional bind variables (argument/value pairs) from the stored document source can be created, which can then be used as any other bind variable in the SQL.

    <!--include object="object ID" arg1name=arg1value arg2name=arg2value -->

    Adding a Substitution Variable to a Stored Document

    Navigate to “Admin” > “System” > “Templates, Stylesheets, and Stored Documents”> “Stored HTML Doc Substitution Variables”

    Navigate to “Admin” > “System” > “Templates, Stylesheets, and Stored Documents”> “Stored HTML Document Listing”

    Edit a stored document either in plain-text mode or using the HTML mode of the WYSIWYG.

    • Select the substitution variable to enter from the Substitution Variable dropdown.
    • Or enter the following (example is for the customer’s display name):
    • The value in quotes is the Object ID seen in the table above. When viewing that stored document as an authenticated SSA user, the display name should be visible in the appropriate location.

    Other Requirements

    Substitution variables that make use of a customer ID or shopping cart ID rely on a cookie named BREADCRUMB_SESSION_ID and will not function without it. While the base SSA authentication plugin will set this, it may need to be added by an integrator if a 3rd-party authentication page is in use.

    Substitution variables that do not make use of a customer ID or a shopping cart ID (such as something that simply pulls a system parameter value) do not rely on any cookies and therefore can be used by systems with a 3rd-party authentication page without any changes.

    It Is Not Working: What Do I Do?

    If a stored document substitution variable has been added and is not visible self-service, there are a few things to check:

    • If the substitution variable is dependent on a customer ID, is the user logged in yet? If so and the base SSA authentication plugin is not in use, check that the BREADCRUMB_SESSION_ID cookie has been set by the integrator.
    • Verify the syntax both in the include statement that was added in the stored document and in the SQL for the substitution variable.
    • Check that the bind variable exists or is spelled correctly? Test by hard coding a string to replace the bind variable.

    Bind Variable Availability


    • :p_cust_id – the ID of the customer logged into SSA. available on every page after logging into SSA.

    Customer Management

    SSA customer document save errors (too big or too many)

    • :p_context – the context specified in the original link.
    • :p_doc_ty – the type of document being saved.


    Shopping Cart – View Cart and Order Status

    • :p_cart_id – the ID of the current shopping cart.


    SSA join – secondary subgroup selection step in the CUSTTY_HDR section (precedes each list of subgroups of a specific type)

    • :memb_cust_id – the ID of the customer who the membership is being purchased for. This differs from :p_cust_id when it’s an individual purchasing on behalf of a company.
    • :subgroup_ty – the type of subgroup that the CUSTTY_HDR section is associated with


    SSA vendor photo too big error

    • :p_context – currently, the value will always be REFERRAL.
    • :p_doc_ty – currently, the value will always be VENDOR_PHOTO.


     “My Submittals” SSA interface

    • :collection_id
    • :subcollection_id
    • :submittal_serno (can be used for custom navigation within a specific submittal in stored documents)

    Scoring Status Report

    • :collection_id
    • :subcollection_id

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