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Manage File to Context Relationships

Manage File to Context Relationships allow file types to be used for a system context. This utility configures the file types to the specific system context, SSA permissions, file limitations and image size for each file type relationship.

Steps to manage file to context relationships:

  • Navigate to “Admin”> “System”> “File Management”> “Manage File to Context Relationships”
  • Click “Add Record”
  • Enter the following information:
    • Context – select the system context from the drop-down.
    • Doc Type – select the document type from the drop-down.
    • Description – enter a description of the document type for use in that system context.
    • Max Size KB – enter a number (in kilobytes) to configure a maximum file size for each document uploaded through the SSA.
    • Max Files – enter a number to determine the maximum number of files for the system context that can be uploaded through the SSA.
    • Image Max Width Px – enter the maximum image width (in pixels) when the image is opened. 
    • Image Max Height Px – enter the maximum image height (in pixels) when the image is opened.
    • Image Thumbnail Width – enter the image thumbnail width (in pixels), when displayed in the list of documents.
    • Image Thumbnail Height – enter the image thumbnail height (in pixels), when displayed in the list of documents.
    • Allow SSA View – select Yes or No from the drop-down to determine if users should be allowed to view documents from the SSA.
    • Allow SSA Upload – select Yes or No from the drop-down to determine if users should be allowed to upload documents through the SSA.
  • Click “Save Changes”