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Price Codes

Price Codes are used to handle any exceptions to normal pricing, whether they be for membership, subscriptions, events, or other areas.

They are configured under “Admin” > “Marketing/Communications” > “Promotion and Price Codes” > “Price Codes.”

To insert a new Price Code, provide the following:

  • Price Code – should be in all CAPITAL letters with no special characters.  *Please note, if inserting a mixed case for your price code, the code will be updated to all caps once it is saved.
  • Description – plain text, meaningful description of this Price Code.
  • Renew at Price Code – (Populated from list of Price Codes) Price Code at which to renew if Suppress Renewal Flag is set to No. This affects all dues prices that use this Price Code.
    • If left as null with Suppress Renewal Flag as No, then memberships using this code would renew with no Price Code at the default dues set up for their Class/Subclass.
    • If you wish to set up different Renew at Price Codes for different Subgroup/Class/Subclass combinations, this is configured in Main Menu > Membership > Renewal Processing > Define Renewal Class/Subclass Mappings
  • Suppress Renewal Flag – (Yes/No)
    • If Yes, automatic renewal will be disabled for memberships using this Price Code.
    • If No, automatic renewal will function normally for memberships using this Price Code.
  • Active Fl – (Yes/No) is this Price Code currently valid?
  • Start Dtstart of date range during which Price Code is valid.
  • End Dt – end of date range during which Price Code is valid