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Register a Single Customer for a Multiple Events

  • Go to “Meetings” > “Attendee Registrations” > “Register One Person for Multiple Events”
  • Enter in the customer ID of the record in which you wish to register for multiple events.
    • If you do not know it, you can click into the magnifying glass icon to the right of the field and search for the customer you wish to register.
  • Set the Currency, if other than default.
  • Use the multi-select list to select the events you wish to register this customer (click one event, then CTRL +click additional events). Note: This is optional and will narrow the set of events available in subsequent steps (choosing nothing from the list will display all events).
  • Select the event type or leave as All Types
  • Set the Teaming Parent Customer ID. Note: This is optional and will narrow the set of events available in subsequent steps to only those for which the parent customer has already registered.
  • Set the Registration Date if other than today.
  • Click Continue
  • On the Customer Event Registration page, select the primary and secondary event items for each event
  • Select the registration type (pricing) for each event item.
  • Click Continue
  • On the next page, select Take Payment, which will take you to the payment page, or Finish Without Payment, which will create an invoice on the account to be paid later.